Jan. 7th Session

Place Value Games for Grade 1

Multiplying Decimals

Teachers will make DubMe videos.

  • Open Array (visual representation of the Distributive Property of Multiplication)

  • Crosshatch Method

Plotting Points on a Number Line

Dividing Decimals

Teachers will make DubMe videos.

  • Using Ten Frames

  • Using Hundred Grids

  • Applying Equivalent Fractions Concepts

Ten Frame Activities

PD Menu


3:00 Welcome and Overview

3:05 Option #1

3:15 Option #2

3: 30 Reflection and Next Steps

Select 2 options and complete within the time frame given. You can work independently or in partnership.

  • Option A: Learn a Game: Select 1 game to learn. Gather needed materials. You will need to teach another teacher how to play that game.

Christine King