Example: What are the Choices?
Google Slide Deck examples for grades 4 and 5.
Test-Savvy Editable Templates
An editable collection of the 25 templates in the Test-Savvy book. Just put in your information and print for your students.
Smarter Balanced Practice Assessments
Use the same testing software as students to see what they encounter during testing.
Example: What Is the Question?
Google Slide Deck examples from grade 5.
Granite School District - Vocabulary
Collection of math vocabulary by grade level from Granite School District. Great to use with #25 Mystery Word.
A Kids Maths Dictionary
A free interactive site for math vocabulary and reference charts.
Session #1: Introducing “Test-Savviness”
Features 3 strategies: Find and Fix My Error, Word Square, and Vocabulary Tic Tac Toe.
Session #2: Representation and Discourse
Features a conversation with Dr. Nicki discussing vocabulary development, nonlinguistic representations, and data analysis.
Session #3: Collaboration and Student-Ownership (Not Available Online)
Features 5 strategies: Multiple-Choice in Minutes, Rate My Work, Problem Solving Peer Tutoring, Rally Round the Problem, Test-Savvy Connect Four
The 40 Year Effect!
Discussing the impact of what we teach today has on learners in the future.
Today Was the Big Day
Discussing our culture of testing and how to better support learners.
Embracing Meaning: Algorithms with Understanding
Discussing how to incorporate understanding while teaching standard algorithms.
Reading Levels of Word Problems
Discussing how reading levels impact student comprehension of word problems.
What is Test-Savviness?
Defining what it means to be test-savvy.
Test-Savvy Principle #1: Student Ownership
Discussing the importance of student ownership in the learning process.
Writing in Math
Discussing the importance of writing in the math classroom.
Test-Savvy Principal #2: Accountable Talk
Discussing the importance of discourse in the math classroom.
Motivating Students
Watch a TED Talk from Daniel Pink and think about how we can use this information to better work with students.
Our Culture of Testing...Can Creativity Flourish?
Discussing how creativity and test-prep can go hand-in-hand.
Test-Savvy Principal #3: Collaboration
Discussing how collaboration can lead to increasing understanding and learning.
The Power of Collaborative Learning Communities
Discussing how learning communities are powerful spaces to deepen our understanding.
Less is Sometimes More
Discussing how doing tasks in depth can lead to deeper learning than just doing a lot of tasks at once.
Test-Savvy Interview with Dr. Nicki
An interview Dr. Nicki discussing how test-savvy structures and concept came about.